Welcome to
Scholar ReadinesS

A 501(c) nonprofit whose mission is to equip students with the tools needed to succeed in high school

Upcoming Events

Aug 05

8-9 PM

Time Management

Establishing priorities.  Fixed vs Fluid priorities. Reducing and refining tasks.  Divide and conquer. Planners. Building essential time management habits. 

Aug 12

7-8 PM

What to expect at Hunter HS, 8th Grade

Panel of 9th Graders

Aug 12

8-9 PM

Careers in STEM
with MyNetworkHer

Presentation about careers in STEM by Dr. Erin Arnold, Chair of Biology at Jefferson College.

Aug 12

9-10 PM

What to expect at Hunter HS, 9th Grade

Panel of 10th Graders

Aug 19

8-9 PM

Introduction to Debate with Debate Minds

Introduction to debate basics

Aug 26

8-9 PM

Careers in Non-profits

Panel with prominent non-profit founders

Our Programs

High School Preparedness

This program intends to ease the transition between middle school and high school by teaching students critical academic and life skills such as time management, study techniques, and applying for internships.

Winter Writing Workshop

Winter Writing Workshop is a completely virtual program that runs during the Holiday Winter Break and the February Winter Break (February 17 – 24). During this week-long program, high school students will provide writing enrichment to other students

Private Sessions

Sign up for a private mentoring session, in which our mentors will work with you to tackle specific study and life issues, and devise a plan of attack to course-correct and become the best student that you can be.

Book A Speaker

Book Avery Mak as a speaker

Our Reach

Map Embed

Our Partners and Sponsors

Sign up for our free 8 week workshop in NYC!